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Found 94 results
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Liston C
Chen AC
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Drysdale AT
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Etkin A
Dubin MJ
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Default mode network mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression.
Biol Psychiatry. 76(7):517-26.
Gilani AI
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Interneuron precursor transplants in adult hippocampus reverse psychosis-relevant features in a mouse model of hippocampal disinhibition.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(20):7450-5.
Gialdini G
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Bonuccelli U
Iadecola C
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Perioperative atrial fibrillation and the long-term risk of ischemic stroke.
JAMA. 312(6):616-22.
Gialdini G
Bhave PD
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Stroke risk following perioperative atrial fibrillation--reply.
JAMA. 312(22):2410-1.
Ishii M
Wang G
Racchumi G
Dyke JP
Iadecola C
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Transgenic mice overexpressing amyloid precursor protein exhibit early metabolic deficits and a pathologically low leptin state associated with hypothalamic dysfunction in arcuate neuropeptide Y neurons.
J Neurosci. 34(27):9096-106.
Choi MSik
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Holland EA
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Yates JR
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Transnitrosylation from DJ-1 to PTEN attenuates neuronal cell death in parkinson's disease models.
J Neurosci. 34(45):15123-31.
Faraco G
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Water deprivation induces neurovascular and cognitive dysfunction through vasopressin-induced oxidative stress.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 34(5):852-60.
Schiff ND
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Cognitive Motor Dissociation Following Severe Brain Injuries.
JAMA Neurol. 72(12):1413-5.
Kim E
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Daidzein Augments Cholesterol Homeostasis via ApoE to Promote Functional Recovery in Chronic Stroke.
J Neurosci. 35(45):15113-26.
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Dangerous leaks: blood-brain barrier woes in the aging hippocampus.
Neuron. 85(2):231-3.
Burré J
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Definition of a molecular pathway mediating α-synuclein neurotoxicity.
J Neurosci. 35(13):5221-32.
Kummer BR
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Gialdini G
Okin PM
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Demographic Differences in Catheter Ablation After Hospital Presentation With Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation.
J Am Heart Assoc. 4(9):e002097.
Kamel H
Hunter M
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Soliman EZ
Elkind MSV
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Electrocardiographic Left Atrial Abnormality and Risk of Stroke: Northern Manhattan Study.
Stroke. 46(11):3208-12.
Garcia-Bonilla L
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Murphy M
Anrather J
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Endothelial CD36 Contributes to Postischemic Brain Injury by Promoting Neutrophil Activation via CSF3.
J Neurosci. 35(44):14783-93.
Gupta A
Gialdini G
Lerario MP
Baradaran H
Giambrone A
Navi BB
Marshall RS
Iadecola C
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Magnetic resonance angiography detection of abnormal carotid artery plaque in patients with cryptogenic stroke.
J Am Heart Assoc. 4(6):e002012.
Vargas WS
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Measuring longitudinal myelin water fraction in new multiple sclerosis lesions.
Neuroimage Clin. 9:369-75.
Glass MJ
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Van Kempen TA
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NMDA Receptor Plasticity in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Contributes to the Elevated Blood Pressure Produced by Angiotensin II.
J Neurosci. 35(26):9558-67.
Jackson KL
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Preservation of forelimb function by UPF1 gene therapy in a rat model of TDP-43-induced motor paralysis.
Gene Ther. 22(1):20-8.
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Race- and sex-related differences in care for patients newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.
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Lerario MP
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Lapidus DM
Shaw MM
Navi BB
Merkler AE
Healey JS
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Risk of Ischemic Stroke after Intracranial Hemorrhage in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.
PLoS One. 10(12):e0145579.
Ma Q
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Selective reduction of striatal mature BDNF without induction of proBDNF in the zQ175 mouse model of Huntington's disease.
Neurobiol Dis. 82:466-477.
Van Kempen TA
Dodos M
Woods C
Marques-Lopes J
Justice NJ
Iadecola C
Pickel VM
Glass MJ
Milner TA
. 2015.
Sex differences in NMDA GluN1 plasticity in rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons containing corticotropin-releasing factor type 1 receptor following slow-pressor angiotensin II hypertension.
Neuroscience. 307:83-97.
Hochrainer K
Jackman K
Benakis C
Anrather J
Iadecola C
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SUMO2/3 is associated with ubiquitinated protein aggregates in the mouse neocortex after middle cerebral artery occlusion.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 35(1):1-5.
Morris NA
Merkler AE
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Claassen J
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Sheth KN
Kamel H
. 2016.
Adverse Outcomes After Initial Non-surgical Management of Subdural Hematoma: A Population-Based Study.
Neurocrit Care. 24(2):226-32.
Van Kempen TA
Narayan A
Waters EM
Marques-Lopes J
Iadecola C
Glass MJ
Pickel VM
Milner TA
. 2016.
Alterations in the subcellular distribution of NADPH oxidase p47(phox) in hypothalamic paraventricular neurons following slow-pressor angiotensin II hypertension in female mice with accelerated ovarian failure.
J Comp Neurol. 524(11):2251-65.
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