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Chen H, Fan L, Guo Q, Wong MYing, Yu F, Foxe N, Wang W, Nessim A, Carling G, Liu B et al..  2023.  DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.. bioRxiv.
Chen H, Fan L, Guo Q, Wong MYing, Yu F, Foxe N, Wang W, Nessim A, Carling G, Liu B et al..  2023.  DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.. Res Sq.
Williams MJ, Okai AF, Cross AH, Monson NL, Vartanian T, Thrower BW, Reder AT, English JB, Wu GF, Bernitsas E et al..  2023.  Demographics and baseline disease characteristics of Black and Hispanic patients with multiple sclerosis in the open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase IV CHIMES trial.. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 76:104794.
Mesías RE, Zaki Y, Guevara CA, Friedman LG, Hussein A, Therrien K, Magee AR, Tzavaras N, Del Valle P, Baxter MG et al..  2023.  Development and cadherin-mediated control of prefrontal corticostriatal projections in mice.. iScience. 26(10):108002.
Pacholko AG, Bekar LK.  2023.  Different pharmacokinetics of lithium orotate inform why it is more potent, effective, and less toxic than lithium carbonate in a mouse model of mania.. J Psychiatr Res. 164:192-201.
Victor JD, Rizvi SM, Bush JW, Conte MM.  2023.  Discrimination of textures with spatial correlations and multiple gray levels.. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 40(2):237-258.
Li J, Jaiswal MK, Chien J-F, Kozlenkov A, Jung J, Zhou P, Gardashli M, Pregent LJ, Engelberg-Cook E, Dickson DW et al..  2023.  Divergent single cell transcriptome and epigenome alterations in ALS and FTD patients with C9orf72 mutation.. Nat Commun. 14(1):5714.
Zolin A, Broner SW, Yoo A, Guan I, Lakhani S, Trabilsy M, Klebanoff L, Vo M, Sarva H.  2023.  Dystonia phenomenology and treatment response in migraine.. Headache. 63(2):255-263.