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Found 52 results
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Santisteban MM
Iadecola C
. 2024.
A deeper dive into amyloid clearance by meningeal lymphatic vessels.
Nat Cardiovasc Res. 3(4):407-409.
Faraco G
. 2024.
Dietary salt, vascular dysfunction, and cognitive impairment.
Cardiovasc Res.
Guiberson NGuy Lewis
Black LS
Haller JE
Brukner A
Abramov D
Ahmad S
Xie YXin
Sharma M
Burré J
. 2024.
Disease-linked mutations in Munc18-1 deplete synaptic Doc2.
Guo SC
Shen R
Roux B
Dinner AR
. 2024.
Dynamics of activation in the voltage-sensing domain of Ciona intestinalis phosphatase Ci-VSP.
Nat Commun. 15(1):1408.
Chen H
Fan L
Guo Q
Wong MYing
Yu F
Foxe N
Wang W
Nessim A
Carling G
Liu B
et al.
. 2023.
DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.
Chen H
Fan L
Guo Q
Wong MYing
Yu F
Foxe N
Wang W
Nessim A
Carling G
Liu B
et al.
. 2023.
DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.
Res Sq.
Williams MJ
Okai AF
Cross AH
Monson NL
Vartanian T
Thrower BW
Reder AT
English JB
Bernitsas E
et al.
. 2023.
Demographics and baseline disease characteristics of Black and Hispanic patients with multiple sclerosis in the open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase IV CHIMES trial.
Mult Scler Relat Disord. 76:104794.
Mesías RE
Zaki Y
Guevara CA
Friedman LG
Hussein A
Therrien K
Magee AR
Tzavaras N
Del Valle P
Baxter MG
et al.
. 2023.
Development and cadherin-mediated control of prefrontal corticostriatal projections in mice.
iScience. 26(10):108002.
Pacholko AG
Bekar LK
. 2023.
Different pharmacokinetics of lithium orotate inform why it is more potent, effective, and less toxic than lithium carbonate in a mouse model of mania.
J Psychiatr Res. 164:192-201.
Victor JD
Rizvi SM
Bush JW
Conte MM
. 2023.
Discrimination of textures with spatial correlations and multiple gray levels.
J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 40(2):237-258.
Li J
Jaiswal MK
Chien J-F
Kozlenkov A
Jung J
Zhou P
Gardashli M
Pregent LJ
Engelberg-Cook E
Dickson DW
et al.
. 2023.
Divergent single cell transcriptome and epigenome alterations in ALS and FTD patients with C9orf72 mutation.
Nat Commun. 14(1):5714.
Zolin A
Broner SW
Yoo A
Guan I
Lakhani S
Trabilsy M
Klebanoff L
Vo M
Sarva H
. 2023.
Dystonia phenomenology and treatment response in migraine.
Headache. 63(2):255-263.
Suslova TA
Vavilov MN
Belyaeva SV
Evdokimov AV
Stashkevich DS
Galkin A
Kofiadi IA
. 2022.
Distribution of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DQB1, -DPB1 allele frequencies in patients with COVID-19 bilateral pneumonia in Russians, living in the Chelyabinsk region (Russia).
Hum Immunol.
Chora AFerreira
Pedroso D
Kyriakou E
Pejanovic N
Colaço H
Gozzelino R
Barros A
Willmann K
Velho T
Moita CF
et al.
. 2022.
DNA damage independent inhibition of NF-κB transcription by anthracyclines.
Elife. 11
Murava ALicht
Meadows S
Palaguachi F
Song SC
Bram Y
Zhou C
Schwartz RE
Froemke RC
Orr AL
Orr AG
. 2021.
Dementia-linked TDP-43 dysregulation in astrocytes impairs memory, antiviral signaling, and chemokine-mediated astrocytic-neuronal interactions.
Alzheimers Dement. 17 Suppl 2:e058562.
Jenkins ECharles
O'Connell MJ
Manfredi G
Germain D
. 2021.
Doxycycline promotes proteasome fitness in the central nervous system.
Sci Rep. 11(1):17003.
Telpoukhovskaia MA
Liu K
Sayed FA
Etchegaray JIker
Xie M
Zhan L
Li Y
Zhou Y
Le D
Bahr BA
et al.
. 2020.
Discovery of small molecules that normalize the transcriptome and enhance cysteine cathepsin activity in progranulin-deficient microglia.
Sci Rep. 10(1):13688.
Benakis C
Poon C
Lane D
Brea D
Sita G
Moore J
Murphy M
Racchumi G
Iadecola C
Anrather J
. 2020.
Distinct Commensal Bacterial Signature in the Gut Is Associated With Acute and Long-Term Protection From Ischemic Stroke.
Stroke. 51(6):1844-1854.
Noch EK
Yim I
Milner TA
Cantley LC
. 2020.
Distribution and localization of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate, 4-kinase alpha and beta in the brain.
J Comp Neurol.
Bavley CC
Fetcho RN
Burgdorf CE
Walsh AP
Fischer DK
Hall BS
Sayles NM
Contoreggi NH
Hackett JE
Antigua SA
et al.
. 2020.
A dual-virus strategy for the deletion of cacan1c within the prelimbic to nucleus accumbens core projection.
Mol Psychiatry. 25(10):2201-2202.
Gottshall JL
Adams ZM
Forgacs PB
Schiff ND
. 2019.
Daytime Central Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Modulates Sleep Dynamics in the Severely Injured Brain: Mechanistic Insights and a Novel Framework for Alpha-Delta Sleep Generation.
Front Neurol. 10:20.
Faraco G
Hochrainer K
Segarra SG
Schaeffer S
Santisteban MM
Menon A
Jiang H
Holtzman DM
Anrather J
Iadecola C
. 2019.
Dietary salt promotes cognitive impairment through tau phosphorylation.
Hayes LR
Asress SA
Li Y
Galkin A
Stepanova A
Kawamata H
Manfredi G
Glass JD
. 2019.
Distal denervation in the SOD1 knockout mouse correlates with loss of mitochondria at the motor nerve terminal.
Exp Neurol. 318:251-257.
Paciaroni M
Kamel H
. 2019.
Do the Results of RE-SPECT ESUS Call for a Revision of the Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source Definition?
Stroke. 50(4):1032-1033.
Kamel H
. 2019.
Does Left Atrial Mechanical Dysfunction Contribute to a Thrombogenic Atrial Myopathy?
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging.
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