A review of protocols for brain organoids and applications for disease modeling.

TitleA review of protocols for brain organoids and applications for disease modeling.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsMayhew CN, Singhania R
JournalSTAR Protoc
Date Published2022 Dec 23

Recent breakthroughs in human stem cell technologies have enabled the generation of 3D brain organoid platforms for modeling human neurodevelopment and disease. Here, we review advances in brain organoid development, approaches for generating whole-brain or cerebral organoids and region-specific brain organoids, and their applications in disease modeling. We present a comprehensive overview of various brain organoid generation protocols, including culture steps, media, timelines, and technical considerations associated with each protocol, and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each protocol. We also discuss the current limitations as well as increasing sophistication of brain organoid technology, and future directions for the field. These insights provide a valuable assessment of multiple commonly used brain organoid models and main considerations for investigators who are considering implementing brain organoid technologies in their laboratories.

Alternate JournalSTAR Protoc
PubMed ID36566384
PubMed Central IDPMC9803834