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Found 57 results
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Popovych S
Macrina T
Kemnitz N
Castro M
Nehoran B
Jia Z
J Bae A
Mitchell E
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Trautman ET
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. 2024.
Petascale pipeline for precise alignment of images from serial section electron microscopy.
Nat Commun. 15(1):289.
Biegler MT
Belay K
Wang W
Szialta C
Collier P
Luo J-D
Haase B
Gedman GL
Sidhu AV
Harter E
et al.
. 2024.
Pronounced early differentiation underlies zebra finch gonadal germ cell development.
Dev Biol. 517:73-90.
Feng W
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Wang Y
Ding S
Chen S
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et al.
. 2024.
Protocol for evaluating mutualistic cooperative behavior in mice using a water-reward task assay.
STAR Protoc. 5(2):103023.
Sawada M
Hamaguchi A
Mano N
Yoshida Y
Uemura A
Sawamoto K
. 2023.
PlexinD1 signaling controls domain-specific dendritic development in newborn neurons in the postnatal olfactory bulb.
Front Neurosci. 17:1143130.
Cox MA
Intoy J
Victor J
Yang B
Zhao Z
Rucci M
. 2023.
Poster Session: Spatial-frequency-selective enhancement of visual sensitivity from saccade dynamics.
J Vis. 23(11):58.
Dhawka L
Palfini V
Hambright E
Blanco I
Poon C
Kahl A
Resch U
Bhawal R
Benakis C
Balachandran V
et al.
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Post-ischemic ubiquitination at the postsynaptic density reversibly influences the activity of ischemia-relevant kinases.
Gelderblom M
Koch S
Strecker J-K
Jørgensen C
Garcia-Bonilla L
Ludewig P
Schädlich ISophie
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Degenhardt K
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A preclinical randomized controlled multi-centre trial of anti-interleukin-17A treatment for acute ischaemic stroke.
Brain Commun. 5(2):fcad090.
Joyce RL
Tibbs GR
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Costa CJ
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R Sanford L
Andersen OS
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Zhang G
Willis DE
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Probucol is anti-hyperalgesic in a mouse peripheral nerve injury model of neuropathic pain.
Neurobiol Pain. 14:100141.
Garzón M
Chan J
Mackie K
Pickel VM
. 2022.
Prefrontal cortical distribution of muscarinic M2 and cannabinoid-1 (CB1) receptors in adult male mice with or without chronic adolescent exposure to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
Cereb Cortex.
Yadav N
Noble C
Niemeyer JE
Terceros A
Victor J
Liston C
Rajasethupathy P
. 2022.
Prefrontal feature representations drive memory recall.
Stankovic IN
Colak D
. 2022.
Prenatal Drugs and Their Effects on the Developing Brain: Insights From Three-Dimensional Human Organoids.
Front Neurosci. 16:848648.
Wong JK
Deuschl G
Wolke R
Bergman H
Muthuraman M
Groppa S
Sheth SA
Bronte-Stewart HM
Wilkins KB
Petrucci MN
et al.
. 2022.
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Cutting Edge Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Neuromodulation, Neuroethics, Pain, Interventional Psychiatry, Epilepsy, and Traumatic Brain Injury.
Front Hum Neurosci. 16:813387.
Waldrop G
Safavynia SA
Barra ME
Agarwal S
Berlin DA
Boehme AK
Brodie D
Choi JM
Doyle K
Fins JJ
et al.
. 2022.
Prolonged unconsciousness is common in COVID-19 and associated with hypoxemia.
Ann Neurol.
Waraich SA
Victor JD
. 2022.
A Psychophysics Paradigm for the Collection and Analysis of Similarity Judgments.
J Vis Exp. (181)
Blackwell DJ
Faggioni M
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Gomez-Hurtado N
Venkataraman R
Gibbs CE
Baudenbacher FJ
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Boyle PM
et al.
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The Purkinje-myocardial junction is the anatomical origin of ventricular arrhythmia in CPVT.
JCI Insight.
Claassen J
Akbari Y
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Proceedings of the First Curing Coma Campaign NIH Symposium: Challenging the Future of Research for Coma and Disorders of Consciousness.
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Notaras M
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The proteomic architecture of schizophrenia iPSC-derived cerebral organoids reveals alterations in GWAS and neuronal development factors.
Transl Psychiatry. 11(1):541.
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Prohibitin S-Nitrosylation Is Required for the Neuroprotective Effect of Nitric Oxide in Neuronal Cultures.
J Neurosci. 40(16):3142-3151.
Chen X
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Wang C
Tang Y
Mok S-A
Tsai RM
Rojas JC
Karydas A
Miller BL
Boxer AL
et al.
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Promoting tau secretion and propagation by hyperactive p300/CBP via autophagy-lysosomal pathway in tauopathy.
Mol Neurodegener. 15(1):2.
Jenkins ECharles
Shah N
Gomez M
Casalena G
Zhao D
Kenny TC
Guariglia SRose
Manfredi G
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. 2020.
Proteasome mapping reveals sexual dimorphism in tissue-specific sensitivity to protein aggregations.
EMBO Rep. :e48978.
Faraco G
Hochrainer K
Segarra SG
Schaeffer S
Santisteban MM
Menon A
Jiang H
Holtzman DM
Anrather J
Iadecola C
. 2020.
Publisher Correction: Dietary salt promotes cognitive impairment through tau phosphorylation.
Sheline YI
Liston C
McEwen BS
. 2019.
Parsing the Hippocampus in Depression: Chronic Stress, Hippocampal Volume, and Major Depressive Disorder.
Biol Psychiatry. 85(6):436-438.
Sohn PDongmin
Huang CTzu-Ling
Yan R
Fan L
Tracy TE
Camargo CM
Montgomery KM
Arhar T
Mok S-A
Freilich R
et al.
. 2019.
Pathogenic Tau Impairs Axon Initial Segment Plasticity and Excitability Homeostasis.
Neuron. 104(3):458-470.e5.
Sohn PDongmin
Huang CTzu-Ling
Yan R
Fan L
Tracy TE
Camargo CM
Montgomery KM
Arhar T
Mok S-A
Freilich R
et al.
. 2019.
Pathogenic Tau Impairs Axon Initial Segment Plasticity and Excitability Homeostasis.
Neuron. 104(3):458-470.e5.
Lloret A
M Beal F
. 2019.
PGC-1α, Sirtuins and PARPs in Huntington's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Conditions: NAD+ to Rule Them All.
Neurochem Res.
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