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Parikh NS, Merkler AE, Schneider Y, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2017.  Discharge Disposition After Stroke in Patients With Liver Disease.. Stroke. 48(2):476-478.
Stepanova A, Shurubor Y, Valsecchi F, Manfredi G, Galkin A.  2016.  Differential susceptibility of mitochondrial complex II to inhibition by oxaloacetate in brain and heart.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1857(9):1561-8.
Al-Kawaz M, Monohan E, Morris E, Perumal JS, Nealon N, Vartanian T, Gauthier SA.  2017.  Differential Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Cortical and Deep Gray Matter Structures in African Americans and Caucasian Americans.. J Neuroimaging. 27(3):333-338.
Pacholko AG, Bekar LK.  2023.  Different pharmacokinetics of lithium orotate inform why it is more potent, effective, and less toxic than lithium carbonate in a mouse model of mania.. J Psychiatr Res. 164:192-201.
Faraco G.  2024.  Dietary salt, vascular dysfunction, and cognitive impairment.. Cardiovasc Res.
Faraco G, Brea D, Garcia-Bonilla L, Wang G, Racchumi G, Chang H, Buendia I, Santisteban MM, Segarra SG, Koizumi K et al..  2018.  Dietary salt promotes neurovascular and cognitive dysfunction through a gut-initiated TH17 response.. Nat Neurosci.
Faraco G, Hochrainer K, Segarra SG, Schaeffer S, Santisteban MM, Menon A, Jiang H, Holtzman DM, Anrather J, Iadecola C.  2019.  Dietary salt promotes cognitive impairment through tau phosphorylation.. Nature.
Zhang S, Nguyen TD, Zhao Y, Gauthier SA, Wang Y, Gupta A.  2018.  Diagnostic accuracy of semiautomatic lesion detection plus quantitative susceptibility mapping in the identification of new and enhancing multiple sclerosis lesions.. Neuroimage Clin. 18:143-148.
Mesías RE, Zaki Y, Guevara CA, Friedman LG, Hussein A, Therrien K, Magee AR, Tzavaras N, Del Valle P, Baxter MG et al..  2023.  Development and cadherin-mediated control of prefrontal corticostriatal projections in mice.. iScience. 26(10):108002.
Shurubor YI, D'Aurelio M, Clark-Matott J, Isakova EP, Deryabina YI, M Beal F, Cooper AJL, Krasnikov BF.  2017.  Determination of Coenzyme A and Acetyl-Coenzyme A in Biological Samples Using HPLC with UV Detection.. Molecules. 22(9)
Stepanova A, Konrad C, Manfredi G, Springett R, Ten V, Galkin A.  2018.  The dependence of brain mitochondria reactive oxygen species production on oxygen level is linear, except when inhibited by antimycin A.. J Neurochem.
Williams MJ, Okai AF, Cross AH, Monson NL, Vartanian T, Thrower BW, Reder AT, English JB, Wu GF, Bernitsas E et al..  2023.  Demographics and baseline disease characteristics of Black and Hispanic patients with multiple sclerosis in the open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase IV CHIMES trial.. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 76:104794.
Kummer BR, Bhave PD, Merkler AE, Gialdini G, Okin PM, Kamel H.  2015.  Demographic Differences in Catheter Ablation After Hospital Presentation With Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation.. J Am Heart Assoc. 4(9):e002097.
Murava ALicht, Meadows S, Palaguachi F, Song SC, Bram Y, Zhou C, Schwartz RE, Froemke RC, Orr AL, Orr AG.  2021.  Dementia-linked TDP-43 dysregulation in astrocytes impairs memory, antiviral signaling, and chemokine-mediated astrocytic-neuronal interactions.. Alzheimers Dement. 17 Suppl 2:e058562.
Burré J, Sharma M, Südhof TC.  2015.  Definition of a molecular pathway mediating α-synuclein neurotoxicity.. J Neurosci. 35(13):5221-32.
Liston C, Chen AC, Zebley BD, Drysdale AT, Gordon R, Leuchter B, Voss HU, Casey BJ, Etkin A, Dubin MJ.  2014.  Default mode network mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression.. Biol Psychiatry. 76(7):517-26.
Santisteban MM, Iadecola C.  2024.  A deeper dive into amyloid clearance by meningeal lymphatic vessels.. Nat Cardiovasc Res. 3(4):407-409.
Mirzaa G, Parry DA, Fry AE, Giamanco KA, Schwartzentruber J, Vanstone M, Logan CV, Roberts N, Johnson CA, Singh S et al..  2014.  De novo CCND2 mutations leading to stabilization of cyclin D2 cause megalencephaly-polymicrogyria-polydactyly-hydrocephalus syndrome.. Nat Genet. 46(5):510-515.
Na ES, De Jesús-Cortés H, Martinez-Rivera A, Kabir ZD, Wang J, Ramesh V, Onder Y, Rajadhyaksha AM, Monteggia LM, Pieper AA.  2017.  D-cycloserine improves synaptic transmission in an animal mode of Rett syndrome.. PLoS One. 12(8):e0183026.
Gottshall JL, Adams ZM, Forgacs PB, Schiff ND.  2019.  Daytime Central Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Modulates Sleep Dynamics in the Severely Injured Brain: Mechanistic Insights and a Novel Framework for Alpha-Delta Sleep Generation.. Front Neurol. 10:20.
Chen H, Fan L, Guo Q, Wong MYing, Yu F, Foxe N, Wang W, Nessim A, Carling G, Liu B et al..  2023.  DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.. bioRxiv.
Chen H, Fan L, Guo Q, Wong MYing, Yu F, Foxe N, Wang W, Nessim A, Carling G, Liu B et al..  2023.  DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.. Res Sq.
Iadecola C.  2015.  Dangerous leaks: blood-brain barrier woes in the aging hippocampus.. Neuron. 85(2):231-3.
Schenck EJ, Ma KC, Murthy SB, Choi AMK.  2018.  Danger Signals in the ICU.. Crit Care Med.
Backlund PS, Urbanski HF, Doll MA, Hein DW, Bozinoski M, Mason CE, Coon SL, Klein DC.  2017.  Daily Rhythm in Plasma N-acetyltryptamine.. J Biol Rhythms. 32(3):195-211.